Friday, March 26, 2010

Giveaway ending today

Enter to win a set of commemorative Superstar Barbie Dolls @ (3/26, US and Canada - void AZ)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

After agonizing about what my first blog was going to be about I decided I would be simple and introduce my self.Im a 27 yr old work at home single mother of 2 of the best children in the world. I dont do very much other than work and hang out with the kids.Not that Im complaining cuz my kids are great but when I do get a little me time Im usually reading or on my laptop reading reading mommy blogs so I decided to start one of my own.

My daughter Brianna is 8 yrs old going on 16.At least thats the way it feels.She was born in September of 2001.She was a really good baby and learned so fast.She walked at 10 months and started talking sentences at a year old.Shes a little tom boy who loves to climb trees and play sports.Shes also a typical girl who loves Hannah Montana,Jonas Brothers,ICarly,Wizards of Waverly,Zach & get my drift.She also loves Twilight.Shes team Edward lol.Thats probably my fault since Im a Twilight fan myself.Yes Im a Twilight Mommy.Shes also very smart(probably too smart for her own good) and gets very good grades.And thankfully loves school and not like her mommy in that way.For the most part shes a good girl but woah that girl can get an attitude.

My son Jordan is 3 yrs old.He was born March of 2007.He is such a boy.I never knew there was so much difference between raising a boy from agirl.But I noticed right away with him.When he picked his head up in the hospital when he was born and looked around I knew I was in trouble.Even before he could crawl he was in to everything.Hes such a sweet boy though.Just dont take your eyes off of him.He is just getting talking more after forever.He gets so excited when he figures out he can say a new word.A typical boy he loves his cars and dinosaurs.And spiderman I cant forget him.He says he is spiderman and will get mad at anyone that says hes not.Just dont get him mad.

Well thats it for now.I hope I make an enjoyable blog for all you other mommies that entertain me with theirs.